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  1. The question paper can be created using any document editor, ensuring there is only one question per page which can be a text or an image.

  2. The standard page size description to avoid scrolling and fit the view in the exam is International A5 in Landscape. You can have pages of any size, but they may need to be scrolled by the students.

  3. Have question instructions in the headers of each page that include the question type and the marking scheme.

Export the final document as PDF. Please refer to the manual of the software being used by you for doing the same/ use an online tool.



The Exam Setup window has 4 sections as follows:

Click the Submit button at the lower right corner to complete the setup. A folder containing all the exam details will be created in the main directory of this program, under the folder Exam Setup Files. You may only share the file which is named after the exam and with an extension of .pznx (PZNX File) with the students by any means.



The Evaluation window has the following options:

Click the Start button at the bottom of the window to initiate the process. You will be prompted to confirm the key that you have provided, please select the Edit Key option before you continue if you wish to make any changes. The Edit Key window consists of the text editor as in the Exam Setup and has the same features and the same syntax should be followed. After you are done editing, select the Submit button to save the changes made by you. You may now choose the Continue button to process the results.

A window containing a progress bar will open, kindly wait for the process completion after which you will be notified with a message box. There will be a folder named after the exam in the main directory of this program, under the folder Exam Results, containing the results.



All the results are stored in the form of shareable PDF files to individual candidates at location mentioned in the above section, you may use the inbuilt feature to email them to the students automatically. The results are also tabulated in a database, which can be viewed and exported. You can do so by following the below steps.

On the Teacher window, at the bottom bar please select the Results button. A window with an option to choose the exam will be displayed (only the exams that have been evaluated already). After the selection you have 2 options:

NOTE: Export as Excel feature saves the file in the directory containing results, please relocate this before selecting the Email option.


This can be configured using the Configure button on the bottom right corner of the initial screen. The major difference between the two modes is the option of logging in, if you are using it as an individual it is quite obvious that you will not need the option mentioned earlier, but if you are a simple organisation, having a simple hierarchy this feature could be very useful. Both of the modes use separate databases, and hence this can be used for personal purposes even at the workplace. You will find the “organisation” mode exclusive features in an upcoming section.



When configured to “organisation” mode, you will be greeted with a login page before you can perform the other actions. The login page has the following options:

This system may not be perfect, but it serves the basic purpose. The following details will be logged at the given locations:

An account can be deleted by selecting the Delete button at the bottom right corner of the Teacher window, you will be prompted before you continue.



A file with the extension .pznx (PZNX FIle) will be shared to you by the examiner. You will need to have this file on your device and move/save to the My Exams folder found in the main directory of this program. Make sure that there is no other file in that folder apart from the __History__ folder. Head back to the software, and select the Student button and your exam should be initiated.



After a successful initiation, a window asking Basic Details will appear. Here you have the following options:

  1. Name: Enter your name, the same will be reflected in your results.

  2. Class/Batch: Enter the class/grade you are in or the batch as instructed by the examiner.

  3. Roll: Enter your roll number/ID as provided by the examiner.

  4. Email: Enter your email address, your results will be shared to the same.

  5. Optional: Enter any other information as instructed by the examiner, you may leave this field blank otherwise.



After successfully filling out your basic details, a window containing the instructions for the exam will appear. You will be provided limited time to read as seen in the timer on the top right corner of the window. If you have read the details carefully and wish to continue, check the option for the same and click Start (Exam will auto launch after the timer dies, it will be assumed that you have read the instructions and agreed to the terms).



The Exam GUI will open in fullscreen by default, and it needs to remain as such.


After the exam has been submitted either by using the submit button or expiry of the timer, we will try to send an email to the examiner at the email address provided by them during exam creation. But if the internet is disconnected, this feature has been disabled during exam creation or any other reason of failure of the same, you can find a local copy of your responses which can be shared later by any means as instructed. You will find this in the Student Responses folder in the main directory of this program and named after the exam.


Here are some interesting things that you do with the software, but indirectly.

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